

I dont know where to start in this blog. So aku ambik keputusan... just write in whatever yang terlintas di fikiran... So pasrah abadi je la ek dengan apa yang aku tulis....

* You & Me -> Them *

August 14, 2008

Daily Routine

Daily Route to Selayang Hospital
Kiss Damia Dearly
Abah's Sweet Pumpkin
Since Zarra warded, My routine life changed. Klu selalunya pergi office as usual, send kids to thebaby sitter. After office hour, fetch them, balik umah or elsewhere first. But now, Morning Send Damia to baby sitter. My Darling send me to my work place at Melawati, Then he straight to his office at FRIM Kepong. Balik kerja, fetch Damia pastu fetch me. Then trus shoot ke Hospital Selayang. Dah jadi routine kita orang. Sebab My bonda yang look after Zarra kat ward. So balik je kerja ... aku tak lepaskan peluang to spend time with my poor baby. Aku redha dengan ketentuan & dugaan dari-Mu Ya Allah. Aku pasti ada hikmah di sebalik dugaan yang Kau turunkan padaku. Aku pasrah Ya Allah.
At the same time aku kesian kat Damia. Sejak Zarra sakit ni, dia makin naughty... Aku tau she wants attention from us. Maybe we all too busy with the little one. Sorry sayang... But tonite before aku mengadap blog cute aku ni tadi. Aku luangkan masa to pamper her. Tidurkan dia on my lap. Hug her tenderly like we use to... Kiss her dearly.. and she looks so happy.... Of course ummie sayang anak2 ummie. Also deep in my heart I never stop thinking & worry 'bout the little one at the hospital. Anak adalah anugerah Allah kepada ku. Takkan ummie sia-siakan anak2 ummie. That my promise. Alamak touching la plak aku malam ni.....
" Suffering is a gift. In it is hidden mercy" - Jalaluddin Al-Rumi