

I dont know where to start in this blog. So aku ambik keputusan... just write in whatever yang terlintas di fikiran... So pasrah abadi je la ek dengan apa yang aku tulis....

* You & Me -> Them *

September 7, 2008

Break Fasting at Sis Zaida's House

Aku sebenarnya just came back from My sis Zaida house. She invited us for break fasting at her house at Bandar Tasik Putri, Rawang. Dia ajak family Kak N, Lenda & My family. Hujan mengiringi sepanjang perjalanan ku ke rumahnya. Hujan rahmat namanya.

Masa aku sampai sana she's preparing food for buka. Tengah kerjakan ketam. Hee..heee.. (ada cerita di sebalik menyediakan ketam ni) Teringat aku cerita keluarga Si Comat. Luckily K. N sampai memberi bantuan ala-ala supergirl... Biasa la Otai... Apa ceritanya? Bak kata Siti Nurhalipan.... Biarlah Rahsia.. Juadah berbuka puasa... 1st class! Sumer favorite aku. Nak tau apa dia? Tengok la ni ->
Siakap Chinese Style
Steam Prawn
Oyster Fatt Choy

Sebahagian lauk pauk yang dihidangkan. Gambar ketam goreng cili, Tomyam, Kerang rebus & Steam Lala x sempat aku nak amik due to.. bz mamam.

Air Longan
White chocolate Macadamia from Secret Recipe - Yummy! Sponsored by Sis Lenda

Kek Lapis Sarawak ni aku la yang bawak..

Sementara tunggu waktu berbuka sempat la we all posing maut.. Just wanna kill d' time.. sbb pewot dah hungry.. hee.hee
Aku wz lenda..Rasa macam raya plak
Ni kalau bab posing kasi la kat diaThe Host

Aku laa..Zarra & Abah

Cintas hatis kus..

Abang Putra & Zarra Baby

Sis' Anne.. Mamam Time
To the host, Abang Jasmin & Kak Et, Thank you for the marvelous treats. Moga jari kena sepitan get well soon.

6th Wedding Anniversary

Yesterday was my 6th wedding anniversary. Sekejap waktu berlalu. Aku mula kenal My darling bulan March 1999. Macamana we all kenal... Chatting... Kiranya cyber love la.. x sangka plak sampai ke gerbang perkahwinan. Itu namanya jodoh. Courting lebih kurang a year. Lots of sweet & sour in our relation but finally we engaged on January 25th 2000. After a year & 8 months we got married - 06.09.02. That was the most beautiful memories in my life. Touching la plak....

Sayang, You are the only one could bring a smile to my face. Never did I believe that we would be here together, and so deeply in love. You are my heart, my world, my soul. I don't know what I would do without you. I want to say thank you for coming into my life and showing me true love. Thank you for showing me that there is such a thing as happiness. That happiness is being with you. With all of my heart, I will always love you.